Sunday, December 12, 2010

its a busy, busy life.

I sit here, in Mcewen School of Communications-my second home-and study for my last final of the semester.


I am 5 months away from graduating from college. Now that is a hard pill to swallow. Yet I find myself more and more excited everyday for what lies ahead. Perhaps going back to Denmark, moving to Europe with Sarah Nierste, or relocating to the windy city of Chicago with Carolyn. Who knows where I will actually end up, but I know wherever I go it will be the start to an amazing new chapter in my life.

Never thought I would say this, but I am ready for real life. I am ready for a big girl job. With a big girl apartment. In a big girl city. On a big girl salary. It's true. Real life is coming and I cannot WAIT.

I want to highlight some of the awesome things of the semester on my next posts. A montage of senior year memories, if you will.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Well, tomorrow marks the beginning of October. *enter my favorite month EVER*

October is filled with fun and surprises around every corner. Every weekend is full of plans with friends and family and I am SO excited for this month to begin. Here is a short run down of my plans for October:
October 1-3 Parents Weekend
October 8-10 Beach Retreat (I have to give a senior talk this year...eek!)
October 15-19 Fall break trip to NYC with Helen and the amazing Turner Family
October 22-24 Homecoming! Yay alumni!
October 27 My 22nd Birthday! Wow...I'm getting old.
October 28-30 Chaperone the Atlanta trip with the freshmen Communication Fellows
October 31 Experience the craziness that is UNC Franklin Street on Halloween

Despite the fact that October holds much promise, senior year has already proven great times. Quick snapshot:

-Being hypnotized by Tom Deluca at one of the welcome back events by the Student Union Board
-Getting to know the amazing international students at Elon this year, who have named me "international mom"
-Playing BINGO with the international students and being the first out of 200 people to get BINGO, which came with a prize of chips and salsa *they know me too well*
-Having awesome Bible studies of Isaiah with my amazing small group, Naps with Nehemiah
-Planning out our senior CRUISE for Spring Break
-Getting a baller group, Mack Communications, for my Strategic Campaigns course
-Having random dance parties in Little Gray
-Lunch with the Communications Advisory Board, network network network
-Finding gems at the thrift store for the 90s party

-Studying notecards with Carolyn for loooong hours for media law
-Supporting an AOII sister with leukemia through various fundraisers with all of my sisters

-Getting a visit from one of my great friends, Suz, who lived in Denmark with me

Sadly, an Elon freshmen passed away last week when she collapsed on her way to class and then died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. It is such a sad story, but reminds us all that life is precious. No matter how insignificant the day may seem, it is another day alive. Another day to be thankful for everything that you have been given. Another day to live to the fullest, because life is precious and full of great memories.

Monday, August 30, 2010

senior year.

Holy shenanigans, today is my last day of summer before SENIOR YEAR OF COLLEGE, therefore, my last technical day of "summer" ever in my life. Wow. This is my best hand sign for 2011.

The start of senior year has been awesome! I got back to Elon on Wednesday to immediately start helping with the international student orientation. After my experience abroad, I knew I wanted to get more involved with the international community at Elon and I got the opportunity to help with their initial orientation into the University. There are students from Kenya, Ghana, Syria, China, Switzerland, Sweden, Poland, Spain, Italy, Canada, and even Afghanistan. It was so awesome getting to know them and it made me feel like I was still abroad :)

Little Gray is finally complete! Victoria and I are still living here and we added two of our best friends and suite mates from sophomore year, Lauren and Sarah. I am so blessed to have always had such great living arrangements and I am so excited about our house this year!

So with only 3 classes, meaning 12 hours that begin at 10:30 at the earliest, here is to sleeping in and senior year!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

eat pray love.

It's all the hype now. The book, turned movie, is definitely a hot topic with the recent movie release. So with the recent excitement, I decided I should finally read the book, which has been recommended to me by several of my friends for a couple years now.


Literally, I have connected with this book. It sounds weird, but I feel as though her journey is almost identical to my recent self-reflection (sans all the meditation and yogic theology). After spending 4 months abroad, I can appreciate her travel diaries and self discoveries so much more. There is honestly something about being abroad that brings about a new reflection.

Being in Denmark and traveling around Europe taught me SO much. Not only did it teach me more about the world in which we live, but it taught me so much more about myself. I notice the changes in myself so much more now that I'm back in my own environment.

Maybe it is being a senior in college and really thinking about where I want to go and what I want to do with the rest of my life as well. All I know is I have been thinking about a lot of things lately and I find it so ironic that I am reading this book at the same time. So maybe I'm not crazy with all of my thoughts and this is a sign that it is just another stage of my life.

What a divine sign it is.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Sunday morning arrives, I check my phone and what do I see......AUGUST 1, 2010. WHOA, WHAT?! It's August???

Maybe some of you had similar reactions to mine when you woke up to find that the summer months are quickly coming to an end. I literally feel like I left Denmark yesterday, much less two months ago.

This summer has been quite monotonous compared to my crazy four months abroad, but enjoyable nonetheless. I have kept my days busy livin' in my sweet maroon polo as a tour guide in the Elon Office of Admissions which brings fun stories everyday. I love meeting perspective students and families and talking about how much I love Elon.

People always ask me, why did you choose Elon? If you could do it all over again, would you? Honestly, I can answer this with a big YES! I have had sooo many amazing experiences at Elon and I know a lot of them wouldn't have been possible unless I had attended this University. From my internship experience, to study abroad, to my service learning class, to going to LA for "class" my freshmen year, it really has been unforgettable.

I never thought I would say these words, but I am so ready for class to start. Yes, yes I know, what student ever wants summer to end? But honestly, I do. I cannot wait to start my senior year, get back into my Elon classes, and see all my friends who I haven't seen since last December!

So the countdown now begins for August 31, the first day of my last year at Elon......*gasp*

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

reality check.

This past weekend I took a road trip with my good friend Sarah Foushee to see our other friend from school, Catherine Pearson. Catherine graduated in 2009 and has a job down in Atlanta, so she invited us to come stay with her for the weekend.

It was a great weekend filled with a Braves game, a farmers market the size of Sam's Club, beautiful fireworks and plenty of pool time--not to mention plenty of "mericuh" references. Yet not only was the weekend enjoyable because I got to spend it with two great friends, but it was also the first time I have really taken the opportunity to think about where my life is headed in the near future.

REALITY CHECK: I am a SENIOR in COLLEGE?! Whoa. When did this happen?? A lot of people go into senior year depressed that the best four years of their life are about to end. While this can be true, the ending is only the start of a fabulous new beginning. I hope that I can enjoy my senior year to the fullest, but I also pray that I can remain excited and hopeful for the rest of my future.

The world is literally at my fingertips and I am SO pumped for that!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

on to the next adventure.

I have begun a new chapter in my life--and my blog for that matter. With this big change, I struggled with the fact that I would probably need to change the title of my blog. Could I really leave my title "Denmark: Adventures Abroad" forever? Or should I move on and delete those letters which have encompassed the past four months of my life.

Moving on is hard. I am the kind of person who doesn't like to move on when I have a good thing going. Adjusting back to life in America has been a lot tougher than I thought it would be. I miss every little thing about my time in Copenhagen, especially the people. But should I really spend my entire summer being depressed about leaving Copenhagen? As much as I want to meddle in my own self-pity, I know this is not the way I need to spend my time.

Therefore, I am learning (very slowly) that life does go on and different parts of life may be more exciting than others, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy them all the same. They are just different kinds of enjoyment, and that's okay.

I know this doesn't really make sense to most people, but its a hard thing to describe. In essence, this summer is starting off bitter-sweet, but hopefully it will be more sweet than bitter. One amazing chapter in my life has ended, but that just means another door has opened.

Therefore, I have changed my title to "life is beautiful," because it is. I pray that I can make the most of mine.

Here are some pictures of friends and family since I've been home!

Monday, May 17, 2010

last night.

Well, it is officially my last night in Copenhagen. I don't think it has hit me yet, nor do I think it will until I finally reach American soil. This has been such an unbelievable experience and I wouldn't change it for the world.

To all my new American friends that I met in Copenhagen, I know we share a bond that no one else can understand. To all my new international friends from Keops, thanks for teaching me more than I ever thought possible. To all my Danish friends, thanks for welcoming me and making me feel at home in Copenhagen. I will definitely be back at some point in the future. To all my friends at home, thanks for keeping up with me and making me feel loved even across the world. I cannot wait to see you all! To my family, thanks for supporting me through the past 4 months. Thank goodness for Skype. To all my blog readers, thank YOU so much for following my adventures and caring about my life. I have had such a great time writing this blog, and even if my adventures will never be as awesome as the past 4 months, I hope to continue posting because writing it has been so enjoyable.

Here is to the best four months of my life! Vi ses Copenhagen, hello America!

Quick sidenote: Margot and I hit up Tivoli on Saturday and then Troels and I biked to Amager beach yesterday. Therefore, I officially completed 9 of my 10 bucket list goals. The only one I did not achieve was the picnic in King's still sucks. But 9/10 is pretty good if I do say so myself :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

last night in keops.

Tonight is officially my final night in my room in Keops and it is such a sad feeling.

I really hate goodbyes and I have already had to do a lot of them in the past two days.

Therefore, this is not goodbye, just see you later, Copenhagen.

You have taught me many things the past 4 months and I will truly leave a part of my heart with you here.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


It is May 13th.

My roommates, Caroline and Victoria, made me a stack of index cards, one for each day I was abroad, before I left. I promised myself I wouldn't look ahead, so each day I am surprised by a new quote, funny memory or crazy challenge. May 13th says "Think of your 13 favorite things about your time in Denmark." So I am going to go David Letterman on you and countdown:

13. Burger Monday's at Peder Oxe
12. Cheap avocados=lots of guacamole
11. My precious visiting family
10. Frikadeller
9. Beautiful Danish people
8. Crazy nights at Kulør Bar
7. 7:30 Dinners with Keops Family
6. Challenging myself on a daily basis
5. Hang gliding in Interlaken
4. Traveling all over Europe
3. Snails & The Living Room
2. Hygge
1. The absolute amazing people I have met.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

one week.

I can't believe it. Can I really be leaving in a week? I feel like I just stepped off the plane yesterday!

Today was a great day. I finished my last two finals, Virtual Worlds and Copenhagen History. I feel like I did well on both, which is a satisfying feeling :) It's hard to believe I won't be in school again until September. AND I will be a SENIOR IN COLLEGE?! WHAT?

After finishing my finals, I headed to Vanløse to have my final dinner with my visiting family. Their daughter Laura even came home again to say bye to me. They are absolutely precious and have been so sweet to me during my time in Copenhagen. I got to show them pictures from my travel break and from my recent DIS Adventure trips to Sweden and Bornholm. They also made me a traditional Danish dinner with pork, red cabbage, brown sauce and potatoes. It was delicious as always! We even sat on the porch for a while, despite the still cold weather. Tove and I made a deal at the beginning of the semester that we would sit on the porch before I left, and a Dane never breaks their promise!

They are thinking about coming to America sometime in the near future and I told them they definitely should. It would be so neat to show them my home in America. My two families could meet!

It was hard to say goodbye to them; the first of many hard goodbyes this week. Although the end is near and I am starting to feel quite sad, I am still trying to make the most of my last week in Copenhagen--checking things off my list! So far, I have been to the Danish Design Museum and the Glyptotek and gotten all my souvenirs. Tomorrow is Tivoli, Wednesday Snails and The Living Room!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

ten days.

With ten days left in Copenhagen, here is my list of the ten things I want to do before I leave:

1. Go on a canal tour.
2. Have a picnic in King's Gardens.
3. Go to Amager beach.
4. Ride a bike through the city.
5. Go to Tivoli.
6. Go to the Danish Design Museum.
7. Get souvenirs.
8. Stay out until 5 am like the Danes.
9. Go to the hyggeligt Living Room at least 2 more times.
10. Spend quality time with all of my amazing friends.

I will keep you updated on how many of these I achieve :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

adventure phase 2.

As a continuation of my last post on adventure, I shall tell you a little about my latest adventure....biking on the island of Bornholm!

Bornholm is an island located off the southern tip of Sweden, but it is actually owned by Denmark. The island is painted with beautiful fields and colorful houses. It really is the quintessence of serenity. The "Bornholm Bike Trip" is one of the many adventure trips that DIS offers, one of my favorite things about the program. It affords students like me the opportunity to escape the city and take on adventures we wouldn't normally have the chance to.

Despite the beauty of the island and the awesome sights we got to see, I think the best part about this trip were the 5 other Keops members who went on the trip with me. SHOUT OUTS to Emily, Margot, Maddy, Brittany and Mike. We literally laughed the entire four days about so many different things and it was great to spend time with each and every one of these fun people. Keops people have truly become my family here :)

We started the weekend off on the overnight ferry on Thursday night that would depart from Køge at 11:30 p.m. and drop us off at Bornholm at 6 a.m. It was a rough night of "sleep" on the hard floor, to say the least. After breakfast and a quick power nap in an actual bed at the hostel, we decided to go on "The Wilderness Route," which we essentially tweeked to our own liking. We battled a flat tire, 20 mph winds and pouring rain, yet still got to see the sun, beautiful round churches and old windmills (and ate delicious ice cream). It was a great day of biking, but definitely physically challenging by the 30th kilometer.

Day Two we decided to bike to the local glass blowing studio and then we indulged in another picnic lunch by the water. We also got the chance to go see some cliffs by the coast and lay in the grassy field, while basking in the sun. We enjoyed more ice cream after we had to turn in our bikes and then waited at the hostel until the bus came to take us back to the overnight ferry for our return to Copenhagen.

Beautiful weekend with beautiful people in a beautiful place, making memories that I will never forget.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Adventure. I love it. Hence the subtitle of my blog and the crazy adventures I have been on in the past three months.

This past weekend I decided to participate in a little different adventure on one of the DIS adventure trips to Sweden to go canoeing and hiking. After being in cities for the past 3 months, it was nice to finally enjoy a peaceful weekend in the countryside of Sweden.

To start off the trip we went canoeing down the Ronne A. Despite the cold weather and cloudy skies, my great friend Meg Banker and I still had a blast steering in zigzag lines and playing mental games to keep our mind off the weather. We even found a random hanging bridge over the river, so we decided to follow suit of some of the others in our group and take a pit stop to try out the bridge. Stupid decision? Maybe. Was it fun? Of course.

After canoeing we headed to the hostel, owned by a very sweet Swedish couple, and enjoyed a yummy beef stew that was exactly what my stomach desired. We all grabbed a much needed nap after a 6:00 a.m. wake-up and 3 hour paddle. Around 3:30 it was time to hike to Nimis. Nimis is a really cool construction of driftwood and sticks, begun in 1980 by the artist Lars Vilks. It is situated on the peninsula of Kullaberg in the south of Sweden, but is actually its own independent state Ladonia. It was one of the neatest things I have ever seen, essentially being a large playground for adults.

Our night ended with a yummy BBQ and time to get to know some of the other DIS students I hadn't met before. It was great to meet other DIS students, because once you get situated with your friends here, which is usually those you life with, its hard to stretch out beyond those boundaries and meet other students.

The next day we went rappelling on a cliff over the water and then ended the day with orienteering around the reservation. Being in nature is so refreshing and it was amazing to see Europe through a different lens. Sometimes I feel as though Europe is only defined by hustling cities with tourists everywhere, but there is so much more to it and I really got to experience that on this trip.

Yet even though this adventure is a little more extreme than others, studying abroad is a new adventure every single day. Whether it is learning a new word in a different language or finally figuring out a different way to get home, adventure is there. If I were to describe study abroad in one word it would definitely be, adventure.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


A little advocacy for my friends at Hangglide Interlaken!

Have you ever had a dream that you’re flying? And then comes the unfortunate second where you open your eyes and realize that it was just a dream. Well this dream became an exciting reality when my friend Emily and I decided to go hang gliding with Hang Gliding Interlaken, owned by two pilots, Bernie & Ed. They picked us up at our hostel and within minutes I trusted them with my life and knew I was about to experience an unforgettable flight. From start to finish, they explained how everything worked--even letting us help put the glider together, all while continuing to crack jokes that helped ease our nerves.

The flight itself was absolutely breathtaking. I remember telling Bernie, “I feel like a bird!” We took crazy pictures, did some dives that made my stomach drop and then ended with the smoothest landing I could ever imagine. I believe my words were “that is the coolest thing I have ever done!!” Bernie and Ed congratulated Emily and I on our flights and even gave us a cold Swiss beer to celebrate! We got some really amazing photos and an even better video to show all of our friends and family what an awesome experience we had.

Therefore, if you EVER have the chance to go hang gliding in Interlaken, I have two words for you: DO IT! These guys were very professional and I felt 100% confident with their abilities. This was honestly one of the greatest things I have ever done in my life. Carpe Diem—Seize the Day! Go to!

my copenhagen is...

Ever think about whipping out your cell phone camera and making a film? In my Virtual Worlds & the Digital Consumer class at DIS we learned how to make "pocket films," which is called a lommefilm in Danish. The founders of Lommefilm in Denmark came to our class and gave us a quick lesson on how to make such a film--which is actually quite easy.

We were assigned the topic "My Copenhagen is..," but we could spin it in any creative way we desired. We were given two days to capture video on the cell phone and then a workshop was held last night to upload all the clips, edit them together and produce the final 90-second movie.

For our film, I came up with the idea to film about 40 different people each saying what Copenhagen means to them in one word. My group filmed a variety of different people, from DIS students to local Danish residents.

At the end of the workshop we had a little contest and all showed our short films and Kasper, the owner of Lommefilm, and our professor Marie chose the winner. Drumroll please..........our group won! :)

Unfortunately it's too big to fit on here, so check it out on my Facebook page!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"I can now say that..."

Well, after two weeks of AMAZING adventures in Europe, this is what I have to say.

"I can now say that I have..."

1. Been to Spain, France, Italy and Switzerland.
2. Spent more consecutive hours with Emily Adams than I have anyone else in my life.
3. Been to McDonald's in all of my visited countries (Switzerland was the best and most expensive).
4. Figured out the way to the middle of Madrid from the airport all by myself!
5. Eaten true tapas and paella and drank Sangria.
6. Seen paintings by Picasso and Salvador Dali in the Reina Sophia in Madrid.
7. Been to the chocolateria in Madrid featured on the travel channel and eaten delicious churros and hot chocolate.
8. Been to the Spanish Royal Palace.
9. Walked on the sandy beaches of beautiful Barcelona on a tour led by some pretty beautiful Australian men.
10. Been to the Sagrada Familia, the still unfinished 200 year old church designed by Gaudi in Barcelona.
11. Walked down Las Ramblas and been asked 50 times whether I want to buy the most annoying noisemaker alive.
12. Taken more than one true "siesta" in Spain.
13. Learned the trains in Europe will always be more advanced than in America.
14. An Armenian man asked to marry me.
15. Arrived on a train in Nice with 50 French children singing a "Nice" threw up on the way there, too. Great.
16. Climbed the citadel in Nice and seen an amazing panoramic view of the city.
17. Eaten REAL crepes in France. Delicious!
18. Hung out with one of my favorite people, Sarah Nierste, in her current home in Florence.
19. Climbed the 463 stairs of the Duomo and seen the most amazing view of Florence.
20. Seen the David statue!
21. Eaten gelato more than 2 times in a single day.
22. Worn shorts in Europe and not frozen to death!
23. Boughten real balsalmic and olive oil in Italy.
24. Been back to Rome and loved it just as much as the first time.
25. Seen the Pope. okay, not really :) But I saw the window to his apartment!
26. Walked two miles to McDonald's in Rome. Long story.
27. Eaten the BEST guacamole in a random Mexican restaurant in Interlaken, Switzerland.
28. HANG GLIDED THROUGH THE SWISS ALPS! Caps are necessary, because it was definitely the coolest one.
29. Gotten bracelets in all countries as I had planned.
30. Gained more independence and street smarts than I ever thought possible.
31. And finally, I have learned that traveling really is the best classroom. I wrote in my journal while I was sitting in front of the Colosseum in Rome that I had to promise myself one thing: No matter what I do in my lifetime, I want to promise to always keep traveling. You learn more about yourself and more about the world around you than you could ever imagine. It is truly life changing!

Here are a few of my favorite photos from the trip. Check out the rest on Facebook!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

a heck of a week!

This past week has been exciting, fun, stressful and very busy all at the same time. My roommate and one of my best friends from home, Victoria, came to Copenhagen for the week for her Spring Break. It was so much fun to introduce her to Copenhagen, my friends here and the life I have been living for the past 2 and a half months. It is so hard to describe to people the true essence of my experiences here, so it was so exciting that she could see it for herself!

We went and saw many of the touristy Copenhagen sights: Round Tower, Little Mermaid, Kings Gardens, Christiansborg, Changing of the Guards, Carlsberg Brewery and several others. I also introduced her to some of my personal Copenhagen favorites: Wednesday cinnamon snails at Saint Peder's, The Living Room Cafe, Kulør Bar and Monday burger night at Peder Oxe. She even got the chance to meet my visiting family and eat their delicious frikadella (like meat balls).

It was so fun to show her around and we ended up having a week of great weather! On Friday Copenhagen really turned into a new city when it was finally above 50 degrees. Everyone was in the squares eating and enjoying the outdoor cafes. It makes me sooo excited for the weather to really start getting warmer once we get back from travel break!

Yet despite all the fun adventures with Victoria, I still had class all week, with 2 major presentations and a big midterm. Luckily, I got most of it done before she got here, but it was still stressful trying to get all of it done. But I made it through!! :)

Tomorrow, Victoria flies back to the States and I am heading off on my European Spring Break with Emily. We are traveling to Madrid, Barcelona, Nice, Rome, Florence, and Interlaken to go hang gliding. I am SO PUMPED.

Can't wait to recap my crazy EuroSB2010 for you in two weeks!

Friday, March 19, 2010


We met our freshman year in small group.
We decided to room together within only a few months of knowing each other.
We have shared a room the past two years.
We have so many memories together.
And we are about to make many more in the next week!

That's right. My curly haired, easy going, beautiful, smart, best friend is coming to COPENHAGEN! She will be here in exactly 18 hours! Here is a video of us before I left the States for nostalgic purposes :)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

little things.

I am struggling to come up with a theme for this post. There hasn't been any trips or big stories since my last post.

Yet this makes me think in a different way. Is life always about the big things? The extravagant vacations, the life-changing revelations or the big events?

Or is life about the little things? The little pieces of each day that make up our life and who we are.

Here are some little things that have brightened my life little-by-little in the past week:

- Going on a night run by the famous Copenhagen lakes with Emily and Suz, even catching a glimpse of water under the ice!
- Getting the same sandwich at ChiliMilli that I had on the first day of school in Copenhagen, nostalgic.
- Skyping with my friend Sarah in Costa Rica and finally hearing hear voice, not to mention being jealous of her suntan!
- Cooking a delicious meal with my Australian friend Tom, more like watching him cook.
- Meeting Margot's sister, Shannon, and learning more about Margot....I feel like meeting someone's family always tells you more about a person.
- Receiving an email from the internship coordinator at Weber Shandwick Chicago about a possible internship this summer!
- Playing Keops Olympics at the grand planning of Maddy and Miriam
- Having lunch with my visiting family and finally trying Smørrebrød, an open face sandwich..Danish classic.
- Finally booking all our hostels for travel break...Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland... HERE WE COME!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


What does home mean to you?

I love how throughout our lives home means different things.

Everytime I come back to Copenhagen, I love it that much more. I finally feel like I am coming home.

I love living with people that I know care about me, even if we have only known each other for a short time. I love the fact that I know what bus takes me home. I know the understood "rules of the bus." I know how to get to the grocery store. I know that dinner is downstairs at 7:30. I know how to get to my classes. I know what time the gym closes and opens. I know what cafes are the best and which ones are too expensive. I know where to find notebooks. I know where the best pastries are.

I have been here almost 2 months and it finally feels like home. I like this a lot :)