Monday, May 17, 2010

last night.

Well, it is officially my last night in Copenhagen. I don't think it has hit me yet, nor do I think it will until I finally reach American soil. This has been such an unbelievable experience and I wouldn't change it for the world.

To all my new American friends that I met in Copenhagen, I know we share a bond that no one else can understand. To all my new international friends from Keops, thanks for teaching me more than I ever thought possible. To all my Danish friends, thanks for welcoming me and making me feel at home in Copenhagen. I will definitely be back at some point in the future. To all my friends at home, thanks for keeping up with me and making me feel loved even across the world. I cannot wait to see you all! To my family, thanks for supporting me through the past 4 months. Thank goodness for Skype. To all my blog readers, thank YOU so much for following my adventures and caring about my life. I have had such a great time writing this blog, and even if my adventures will never be as awesome as the past 4 months, I hope to continue posting because writing it has been so enjoyable.

Here is to the best four months of my life! Vi ses Copenhagen, hello America!

Quick sidenote: Margot and I hit up Tivoli on Saturday and then Troels and I biked to Amager beach yesterday. Therefore, I officially completed 9 of my 10 bucket list goals. The only one I did not achieve was the picnic in King's still sucks. But 9/10 is pretty good if I do say so myself :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

last night in keops.

Tonight is officially my final night in my room in Keops and it is such a sad feeling.

I really hate goodbyes and I have already had to do a lot of them in the past two days.

Therefore, this is not goodbye, just see you later, Copenhagen.

You have taught me many things the past 4 months and I will truly leave a part of my heart with you here.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


It is May 13th.

My roommates, Caroline and Victoria, made me a stack of index cards, one for each day I was abroad, before I left. I promised myself I wouldn't look ahead, so each day I am surprised by a new quote, funny memory or crazy challenge. May 13th says "Think of your 13 favorite things about your time in Denmark." So I am going to go David Letterman on you and countdown:

13. Burger Monday's at Peder Oxe
12. Cheap avocados=lots of guacamole
11. My precious visiting family
10. Frikadeller
9. Beautiful Danish people
8. Crazy nights at Kulør Bar
7. 7:30 Dinners with Keops Family
6. Challenging myself on a daily basis
5. Hang gliding in Interlaken
4. Traveling all over Europe
3. Snails & The Living Room
2. Hygge
1. The absolute amazing people I have met.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

one week.

I can't believe it. Can I really be leaving in a week? I feel like I just stepped off the plane yesterday!

Today was a great day. I finished my last two finals, Virtual Worlds and Copenhagen History. I feel like I did well on both, which is a satisfying feeling :) It's hard to believe I won't be in school again until September. AND I will be a SENIOR IN COLLEGE?! WHAT?

After finishing my finals, I headed to Vanløse to have my final dinner with my visiting family. Their daughter Laura even came home again to say bye to me. They are absolutely precious and have been so sweet to me during my time in Copenhagen. I got to show them pictures from my travel break and from my recent DIS Adventure trips to Sweden and Bornholm. They also made me a traditional Danish dinner with pork, red cabbage, brown sauce and potatoes. It was delicious as always! We even sat on the porch for a while, despite the still cold weather. Tove and I made a deal at the beginning of the semester that we would sit on the porch before I left, and a Dane never breaks their promise!

They are thinking about coming to America sometime in the near future and I told them they definitely should. It would be so neat to show them my home in America. My two families could meet!

It was hard to say goodbye to them; the first of many hard goodbyes this week. Although the end is near and I am starting to feel quite sad, I am still trying to make the most of my last week in Copenhagen--checking things off my list! So far, I have been to the Danish Design Museum and the Glyptotek and gotten all my souvenirs. Tomorrow is Tivoli, Wednesday Snails and The Living Room!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

ten days.

With ten days left in Copenhagen, here is my list of the ten things I want to do before I leave:

1. Go on a canal tour.
2. Have a picnic in King's Gardens.
3. Go to Amager beach.
4. Ride a bike through the city.
5. Go to Tivoli.
6. Go to the Danish Design Museum.
7. Get souvenirs.
8. Stay out until 5 am like the Danes.
9. Go to the hyggeligt Living Room at least 2 more times.
10. Spend quality time with all of my amazing friends.

I will keep you updated on how many of these I achieve :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

adventure phase 2.

As a continuation of my last post on adventure, I shall tell you a little about my latest adventure....biking on the island of Bornholm!

Bornholm is an island located off the southern tip of Sweden, but it is actually owned by Denmark. The island is painted with beautiful fields and colorful houses. It really is the quintessence of serenity. The "Bornholm Bike Trip" is one of the many adventure trips that DIS offers, one of my favorite things about the program. It affords students like me the opportunity to escape the city and take on adventures we wouldn't normally have the chance to.

Despite the beauty of the island and the awesome sights we got to see, I think the best part about this trip were the 5 other Keops members who went on the trip with me. SHOUT OUTS to Emily, Margot, Maddy, Brittany and Mike. We literally laughed the entire four days about so many different things and it was great to spend time with each and every one of these fun people. Keops people have truly become my family here :)

We started the weekend off on the overnight ferry on Thursday night that would depart from Køge at 11:30 p.m. and drop us off at Bornholm at 6 a.m. It was a rough night of "sleep" on the hard floor, to say the least. After breakfast and a quick power nap in an actual bed at the hostel, we decided to go on "The Wilderness Route," which we essentially tweeked to our own liking. We battled a flat tire, 20 mph winds and pouring rain, yet still got to see the sun, beautiful round churches and old windmills (and ate delicious ice cream). It was a great day of biking, but definitely physically challenging by the 30th kilometer.

Day Two we decided to bike to the local glass blowing studio and then we indulged in another picnic lunch by the water. We also got the chance to go see some cliffs by the coast and lay in the grassy field, while basking in the sun. We enjoyed more ice cream after we had to turn in our bikes and then waited at the hostel until the bus came to take us back to the overnight ferry for our return to Copenhagen.

Beautiful weekend with beautiful people in a beautiful place, making memories that I will never forget.