Sunday, July 24, 2011

dette er min familie

So I thought I should introduce the people who I have spent most of my time with while I've been in host family :) They are one of a kind and so gracious to let me live in their home until I have found an apartment in the city (which is proving to be a feat in itself...).

The story begins when I was a student at DIS and people who didn't have host families could sign up for a "visiting family." You wouldn't live with them, but you could go to their home and experience Danish family life. I got my assigned family and all I really knew about them was from a picture they sent me of them standing in their garden. I was so nervous the first time I came to their home, not knowing exactly what was or wasn't polite in their culture. Over the course of the semester I came to their house 3 times, enjoyed meals and laughed about the little things. They seem to enjoy my mispronunciation of simple Danish words! We kept in touch over email after I left Denmark and when I found out I would be coming back, I emailed them to ask if it would be possible for me to stay with them while I looked for an apartment. They said, "selvfølgelig," my favorite Danish word---of course.

Meet Anders-mig far

He is the sweetest man you will ever meet. He always makes sure that I am comfortable and wants me to know that, "you live here, now, kelli." We always enjoy an afternoon coffee, eftermiddags kaffe, and conversate simply. He doesn't speak a ton of English, so he teaches me simple Danish words and I try to teach him English. We laugh at the silly things together because stupid things are a lot funnier when you can't entirely communicate in words. The most recent laugh was about my "Do it like DIS" shirt from work. He says..."Do it like DIZZZZZ." So great.

Meet Tove-mig mor

She is so kind and is always looking out for what is best for me. I love going to the grocery store around the corner with her and picking out what to eat for dinner. She teaches me Danish words for things I may need and translates people's conversations. She has been actively helping me with apartment searching, listening to my concerns and telling me what she thinks is the best. She is also an amazing cook! We have planned to go have a beer on Nyhavn (the famous harbor) when it is sunny this week.

Meet Kirsten-mig store søster
Kirsten is one of their older daughters who has been living with them for the past month, due to a recent illness. It is unfortunate circumstances that brings her home, but I am glad that I have someone else around the house while Tove and Anders are at work. We always joke around about how lazy we are and how we basically have sleeping contests of who can sleep in later. She has also been a big help in finding an apartment, always encouraging me to keep looking when I get frustrated. We made the best homemade chocolate chip cookies the other day after deciding we couldn't just keep laying on the couches. Since I don't have a sister, its so much fun to have host sisters!

Meet Laura-mig store søster

She is their youngest daughter and the sweetest girl ever! She doesn't live at home anymore, so I have only been able to see her once since I've been here, but we got to be friends when I was a student. I always have a great time hanging out with her and I am so excited to continue our friendship while I'm back!

They also have another daughter, Kirsten's twin, Mette. I haven't been able to meet her yet, but hopefully soon! This family is so amazing and I am so lucky to have them in my life.

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