Wednesday, July 20, 2011

my second home.

It feels so good to be back! Honestly, it feels like I never left. Once I stepped into the Copenhagen airport, I felt like I was coming back to my second home. Except now the weather is much nicer :)

The journey here was not bad at all. I had layovers in New York and Iceland, which actually turned out to be quite nice, so I could get up and move around and have a break from the plane. My smiling host dad, Anders, picked me up at the airport with a Danish flag in hand. That is a tradition in Denmark, when someone arrives, to greet them with a flag. It is so neat when you arrive at the airport and all the Danes are standing there waving their Danish flags as their loved ones arrive. Both of my bags also made it, contrary to the bad luck I had when I came before.

My family had a room all ready for me, to unpack everything and make it my own hyggelig space :) My host family is so, so great to me. They have given me my own key to the house and even a bike (which is a hot commodity in Denmark). I am loving the simple things about being back in Denmark.... Little Danish lessons with my family. Walking to the store and cooking with my mom. Having coffee in the living room with my dad. Searching for an apartment with my sister. And most of all, enjoying blue skies and 70 degree weather!

I am sad to report that the two apartment options I thought I had did not work out, but that just means there is something else out there better for me. Anders told me..."of course you stay here as long as you need to, until you find the right fit." So it makes me feel good that I won't be homeless! I just love the loyalty of the Danes. They live quite simple lives, but they hold such a strong loyalty to their friends and family.

I know I am exactly where I am meant to be right now. And that is such a great feeling! :)

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