Tuesday, July 26, 2011

the perfect danish summer day

When I woke up this morning and it was sunny outside, I decided it was time to go out and enjoy the nice weather! So my host sister Laura and I decided to bike into the city and explore.

Now biking in Copenhagen is quite the experience. It is definitely going to take getting used to. It's a little different than at home. And when I say little, I mean it is COMPLETELY different. I feel like I am 16 again, learning how to drive a car. People pass on the left, no right on red (okay, only if no one is looking), raise your hand to stop....and the list of unspoken rules goes on. You really learn how many "unspoken rules" there are in a culture when you enter one completely different than your own.

Our first stop was Assistens Kierkegaard, the park where many famous Danes are buried. We went to see the most famous Dane, writer HC Andersen--he wrote The Little Mermaid and The Ugly Duckling. We also saw the graves for the astronomer Niels Bohr and philosopher Søren Kierkegaard.

I decided I wanted to show Laura "my hood" in Copenhagen, so we stopped by the DIS building. I hadn't had a chance to go by the office yet, so we popped in and I got to meet some of my new colleagues and see the office I'll be working in! It was so exciting to meet everyone and show Laura what my work will be like. I also wanted to take her to my favorite spot in Copenhagen...a very hyggeligt cafe called The Living Room. It was so cool to go back there, since I spent many afternoons in there when I was a student.

Outside in the square, we found some of the painted elephants that have been placed around Copenhagen and enjoyed a nice stroll on the famous walking street in Copenhagen, Strøget. We even came across a sweet outdoor photography exhibit!

This has gotta be the good life.... :)

1 comment:

  1. Hans Christian Anderson also wrote "The Little Match Girl". I weep.
